Documentary Released on the Asbury University Revival

Documentary Released on the Asbury University Revival April 21, 2023

As reported by Religion News Service, Redeem TV has released a documentary on the Asbury University Revival, which can be viewed for free (Revive TV is funded by donations).

Chris Rogers, the film’s producer said,

“Being in Wilmer KY at Asbury in the middle of the outpouring was one of the highlights of my life and film making career. I prayed to be involved with revival for years and suddenly I found myself in the middle of a great work with the Holy Spirit all around me. It’s hard to give it words but I knew that God was present in a way I never felt before.”

The documentary’s title is “Asbury Revival: Desperate For More.”

The description on Redeem TV’s platform is this:

On Feburary 8th some students at Asbury University lingered after chapel to continue worshiping God. And they just kept going! The outpouring went on for 16 days continuously. Our production team was there at Asbury during the outpouring and now bring you this behind the scenes view of what the Holy Spirit was doing—reported directly by students, staff, university administrators and participants.

The outpouring drew people from all over the US and the entire world, including Brazil, the Philippines and Singapore to name a few. What the Holy Spirit started at Asbury spread to Lee University, Samford University, Baylor University, Cedarville University, Texas A&M, Oklahoma Baptist University, Louisiana State University, Regent University, Indiana Wesleyan and in total over 30 other college campuses. It has also spread to other parts of the world including Korea and the Philippines and continues in pockets as we complete the edit on this documentary.


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