Gandhi on Mind Consent

Gandhi on Mind Consent August 21, 2022

There’s a timeless theme in Stoic philosophy on the “inner citadel” and focusing on what you can control. In keeping with this theme, I came across an incredible quote by Gandhi that is very much along these lines:

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet”

A related quote of his is:

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission”

Stated similarly by Marcus Aurelius way before him:

“All disturbance comes from within”

Sentiments like these remind us that it’s not outside events that determine our outlook or behavior, it’s our internal lives, our inner citadels, and our minds. Our reaction to adversity is always our choice.

Talk is cheap, but for people like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Victor Frankl, and Marcus Aurelius to have lived out this philosophy in the face of incredible adversity – we can certainly allow this to inspire us in our respective journeys.

It’s difficult – a philosophy and psychology that demands practice. Like anything, if reflected upon occasionally without application, failure will be inevitable when the adversity comes. Training the inner citadel requires the same training as the physical body. With regular training and practice, when the moment of truth arrives, we can truly have the chance of actualizing Gandhi’s mind consent.

Image credit:

Mahatma Gandhi laughing @ Wikimedia Commons


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