The Beginning of Paul’s Gospel: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Gombis, Novenson, Heim, Barclay, Macaskill, and More!)

The Beginning of Paul’s Gospel: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Gombis, Novenson, Heim, Barclay, Macaskill, and More!) May 16, 2023

Here is the TOC for the July 2023 release The Beginning of Paul’s Gospel

1. Reading Romans as a Letter: Introducing Romans 1–4—Timothy G. Gombis 

2. Whom Are You Going to Obey? The Foreshadowing Effect of “Paul, Slave of Jesus Christ” in Romans 1:1—Nijay K. Gupta 

3. The Theology of Paul in a Nutshell: A Fresh Look at the Phrase “From Faith to Faith” (Rom 1:17)—Benjamin Schliesser

4. Romans 1–2 between Theology and Historical Criticism—Matthew V. Novenson 

5. Exchanging God, Surrendering Humanity: The Historical Plausibility of Paul’s Allusion to Psalm 106 in Romans 1:18–32—John K. Goodrich 

6. “Nobody Knows Who I Am till the Judgment Morning”: Romans 2 and the Secrets of the Heart—John M. G. Barclay 

7. Does Paul Digress? Constructing Jewish Advantage through David and Demonstrating God’s Righteousness in Romans 3:1–8—Marcus A. Mininger

8. The Law Will Testify Against You: Deuteronomy 28–32 and the Restoration of Israel in Romans 3—Paul T. Sloan 

9. God’s Righteousness, God’s Speech, and God’s Salvation in the Old Testament and in Romans 1–4—Matthew Monkemeier 

10. Justification as Participation in Divine Glory in Romans 1–4—Ben C. Blackwell 

11. Romans 3 and the Logic of Atonement—Erin M. Heim 

12. The Perfection of God’s Χάρις in Romans 1–4 as an Aristotelian Mean: Another Search for the Pure Gift and Purified Gift-Giving—Ruth Whiteford 

13. The Subjects of Idolatry and Salvation in Romans 1–4—Grant Macaskill 

14. Father Abraham Had Many Sons: Paul and the Outside-In Family of Abraham—Rafael Rodríguez 

15. Christ as the Heir in Romans 4:13: Implications for Paul’s Theology of Justification and His Apostolic Mission—Chee-Chiew Lee 

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