Something Deeper than a Boycott

Something Deeper than a Boycott April 23, 2023

There reaches a point where you lose your patience with being mocked. With the latest round of businesses using campy men in drag to promote their products, I’ve hit my limit.

I’m tired of my femininity being reduced to absurd stereotypes. I’m tired of being insulted and belittled. I’m out of patience for men anywhere on the political or social spectrum who deign to instruct women on what it means to be “feminine.” I know what it means to be feminine because I am a woman. I don’t need lessons.

And I definitely don’t need some guy who play-acts the most inane of misogynist stereotypes being touted as a model of womanhood.

Which, it’s not like I’m scanning marketing campaigns trying to think of companies to boycott. I’m post-boycott. When you mock me, you disgust me. I want nothing further to do with you.

The end.

Photo: Herbert Charles Jerome Pollitt as Diane de Rougy, 19th century, via Wikimedia, Public Domain. You think your little act is so cutting edge and mind-blowing and progressive, but in fact it just makes you a Victorian. Not in a good way.

About Jennifer Fitz
Jennifer Fitz writes on all kinds of topics, because women are like that. Individually and as a group we overflow with many and varied interests, talents, and ways of being. Home base is Non-controversial Jesus-time is at the 'stack. Here I write about the spicy stuff. You can read more about the author here.

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