Register for the “Celtic Spirituality School” — Yearlong Program Begins February 11, 2023!

Register for the “Celtic Spirituality School” — Yearlong Program Begins February 11, 2023! February 1, 2023

Friends, I hope you will join me — and eleven other amazing Celtic and contemplative teachers and speakers, including John Philip Newell, Esther de Waal, Sharon Blackie, Christine Valters Paintner, and more — for the first-ever online Celtic Spirituality School which begins on February 11, 2023 and runs for a full year!

Are you hungry for a more contemplative, earthy, embodied spirituality? If so, then Celtic spirituality may be just what you need. The Celts were masters at earthy spirituality. They lived in an enchanted world, where every leaf and song and season sparkled with the sacred.

In this 12-month program, you’ll be immersed in many aspects of Celtic wisdom: from thin spaces to storytelling, community to contemplation, femininity to friendship. Click here to learn more and register for this program.

I’m so honored to be working with world-renowned speakers like Ilia Delio, Edward Sellner, Tessa Bielecki, Kelly Deutsch, and Nick Mayhew Smith. Each month we will dive deep into many aspects of the Celtic wisdom tradition, exploring topics such as prayer, community, mysticism, creativity, nature and the divine imagination!

We live in a time when so many people are hungry for a rich, thorough, holistic spirituality — what Celtic spirituality itself is all about.

Sign up now to become part of an online community of seekers just like you and me, interacting live with some truly amazing teachers. We’ll gather one Saturday each month between now and next January (I’m on for May 6).

Finally, the organizers of this program have kept the price truly reasonable, with monthly payment options that make it affordable for even someone as Scottish as me! Given the amazing cohort of teachers, this is truly a great value.

Click here to learn more and register for this program.

I hope to see you there!

— Carl

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