Love the Sinner Hate the Sin Podcast and Links

Love the Sinner Hate the Sin Podcast and Links May 22, 2023

It is a chilly, gray spring day here in the NorthEast. Therefore, as usual, we’ve done a podcast about all the things we talk about–that Living Church article,  Bishop Dobb’s Synod address, Luke Timothy Johnson, why people become affirming, and other things as well. Oh yes! We complain about how people always forget about Gen Xers and how we are not Boomers. It’s all you could possibly expect. If you’d like to hear us go on after this, you can check out the extra bit over on Substack.

I don’t have very many links, sob.

This is good, though.

And this.

And this.

I did blog a lot last week. There was this, and this, and this, and this.

And the Stand Firm Pod.

And a fantastic sermon (one of the best ever) and a helpful class.

Have a great day!

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