A Hill to Die on Podcast and Links

A Hill to Die on Podcast and Links May 15, 2023

Good Morning–sorry to have missed posting links here last week. It is my intention to get back into the way of writing here occasionally. In the meantime, we recorded the usual podcast, only we did it last night instead of this morning. We talk about the article from The Living Church that I wrote about on Stand Firm. We go almost all the way through the whole piece and then finish it up over here. There is a barking dog, and the tea kettle, and other kinds of audio clutter because it was late in the day and no one would go away and leave us in peace.

I have a couple of links, not as many as I’d like, of course.

This is crazy.

So is this.

This is brilliant.

And here is an excellent sermon and a helpful class.

Have a nice day!

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