For Those Who Still Meet Life with Song

For Those Who Still Meet Life with Song April 24, 2023


Perhaps all beauty is in the dab 

of taste on the tongue. Perhaps we 

can’t see everything until we enter 

the smallest thing. 


Perhaps the pianist, head down, eyes

closed, plays the same rumble of notes, 

over and over, until he falls into the 

canyon of emptiness from which 

all music comes. 


Perhaps, when split by a moment of 

love that won’t let me stay the same, 

I am falling into the one truth that 

every soul is led to when that ache 

won’t go away. 


On certain days, it’s clear that music 

was conceived so the heart can glide 

for a time without its burden. 



From The Half-Life of Angels 


Check out Mark’s Events page at for Mark’s upcoming in-person and online events. 

MAY 5-7: Reading and Weekend Retreat, The Gift of Relationship, The Sophia Institute, Charleston, SC, or call 843-720-8528. Registration details here.  

July 9, 16 & 23: You Don’t Have to Do It Along: The Net of Friendship. A 3-session virtual webinar guided by Mark Nepo 1-2:30pm ET/10-11:30am PT. Details at 



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