The Sun Still Shines

The Sun Still Shines June 1, 2023

I am happy to announce that my memoir The Sun Still Shines has been published. You can follow the link to order the book. It is also available in electronic format from Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Why I Wrote This Book and What I Hope It Will Do

I wrote this book for the sake of clergy and church leaders who are fellow sufferers with me in addiction. There is hope to recover. But it will challenge everything you think you know about God and spirituality. I tried to provide some insight for denominational leaders and lay leaders in congregations who know their pastor is suffering. There are good ways to handle the suffering clergy member and bad ways of doing it. The former minister of the congregation where I grew up died from his addiction because no one in the church knew how to help him or his family. My hope is that lives will be saved. Perhaps, ministries can be restored.

Will The Sun Shine Again?

Recovery is possible. When friends ask about my drinking and hear what I tell them, they ask, “How are you still alive?” That is a good question. But friends who have been through the hard work of getting better from their addictions do not ask. Every recovered addict knows what it was like for them. The spiritual leader who suffers in silence is embarrassed to ask for help. What is worse, is that person does not think it is possible to live again. The sun rises and sets each day. Getting better or beginning again takes each day one at a time. By keeping at it the day will come when we stop counting them.

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