A Higher Bar: On the Hidden Fallacies of the Richard Glossip Clemency Hearing

A Higher Bar: On the Hidden Fallacies of the Richard Glossip Clemency Hearing April 26, 2023

Screenshot of Hearing

A Higher Bar: On the Hidden Fallacy of the Richard Glossip Clemency Hearing


This morning, I’ve been watching the clemency hearing of Richard Glossip.  Repeatedly, I’ve heard the word, “innocent.”  Let there be no doubt, I believe Glossip is innocent.  Ultimately though, this hearing is truly problematic charade for everyone on death row other than Glossip.  In fact, I believe it is setting a new impossible standard for saving their lives.


Hear the words of multiple state officials:


“I’m in full support of capital punishment.”


“I’ve never supported anyone else on death row.”


“The death penalty system must be pure.”


“It must be an impeccable case.”


“I’m not aware of any case where justice has required the Attorney General to speak.”


Think about it.  The standard that is being set in these moments is one of pure innocence accompanied with significant political backing.  Most of the guys that I work with will never be able to accomplish such a standard.  Indeed, most of the guys that I work with have never and will never have the benefit of multiple independent investigations, hundreds of attorneys fighting for their lives, dozens of state representatives speaking out for a new trial, the Attorney General trying to get the charges thrown out and arguing for clemency, celebrities speaking out…amongst a whole host of other developments that have taken place in the Glossip case.  Even though my guys will never be able to accomplish such things…it doesn’t mean that they are any less worthy of such effort.  Yet, most will never get such treatment.  Why?

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