Why Almost Anything is More in Alignment With Jesus’ Teachings than Pro-Trump Christianity/Catholicism

Why Almost Anything is More in Alignment With Jesus’ Teachings than Pro-Trump Christianity/Catholicism May 8, 2023

For me to reject a particular flavor of Christianity /Catholicism, it must be a “White-only,” “Pro-Trump” fundie agenda for me to reject it. I don’t reject the people in it, but I do reject their continued unconditional allegiance to Trump and the Republican party which is the American variation of aligning with Hitler and the Nazi party.   I can respect other non-fundie branches in religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam so much more than I can respect a fascist bastardized brand of the Christian faith. The primary teachings of all major world religions align with The Golden Rule which is to love our neighbor as ourselves.   A pro-Trump, all-white fundie version of “Christianity/Catholicism” teaches the opposite, that if someone is not white, Republican, straight, “Christian,” and neurotypical, that person is “out.” Therefore, that person is a “less valuable” human being than “The Perfect.”

For example. please observe this chart highlighting Golden Rule taught in every major world religion.

Even atheism and agnosticism are more in alignment with the teachings of Jesus Christ than the bastardized brand of Christianity combined with Trump and the Republican party.  Let’s take a look.   Both atheism and agnosticism teach that there isn’t a God or one is not sure if there is a God.  In both, I haven’t met one agnostic or atheist person who doesn’t believe in The Golden Rule, loving our neighbor as ourselves, and equal human rights for all people unlike the pro-Trump brand which classifies people into a caste system and devalues their humanity based on their “criteria.”

All of these groups which are NOT pro-Trump, all-white, and fundie have one thing in common, inclusion and love of neighbor. The exclusive all-white pro-Trump fundie brand of the Religious Right not only defies the teachings of Jesus Christ, it defies the primary teachings of every major world religion, The Golden Rule, and basic human decency which unites humanity.

How does the Christian faith and the Catholic Church move forward. I think there is only one answer. Find common ground with those who do not share our beliefs and values and form alliances with them to improve the lives of others through charity and service.  For the Catholic, this would be following Catholic Social Teaching which unites and provides good for all people and the world.  As Pope Francis says above, “We must meet one another doing good.”  If we can find someone doing good will for the common good of the world, I believe we find God there, no matter how someone sees or doesn’t see God.  As one of my dearest friends and Catholic theologians named Dr. Clarence White says, “I believe everyone who follows the teachings of Jesus is a Christian whether that person identifies as a Christian or knows this or not.” I will say this. I believe undoubtedly that God is much more pleased with anyone who seeks the good will of others, gives of his/her time for the betterment of others, than he who admires and follows the pro-Trump all white version of fascist Christianity/Catholicism.  This hateful brand of fundamentalism, just as other brands of religious fundamentalism, many times leads to death and destruction.  I will close with a quote about religious fundamentalism once more from Pope Francis and a quote from St. Francis of Assisi.  “Preach the Gospel at all Times, and if necessary, use words.” St. Francis of Assisi







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