Working with chatGPT I have created a list of the top 15 books on Jesus’ resurrection, ranked by...
“God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean”—Peter to Cornelius...
In Part 9 of my series, The Perfect You, I address several passages on forgiveness and confession...
Over on my substack, Past and Piety, I have started a series called Fragments from My Evangelical...
Between a long list of writing commitments and keeping up with an active toddler, it’s been a...
There have always been problems with word dictionaries. Why? Because words don’t have meanings...
Why does tithing make so many people uncomfortable? Let's explore how this isn't about money at...
The underlying qualifications for elders are straightforward. They must be men who cannot be...
Fight for their News! | Kids get their news from all around them, but they learn to weed through...
“God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!” I’ve heard this promise/these promises all...
The General Social Survey--the "gold standard" of polls--is out for 2022, giving updated...
Here is the TOC for the July 2023 release The Beginning of Paul’s Gospel 1. Reading Romans as a...
Artificial Intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It's here and very real. Just...
Matt Edwards is one of the pastors who participated in my Insurgence Experience (IXP) Mastermind....
Famed—and infamous—talk show host Jerry Springer died yesterday at the age of seventy-nine...
Today's reading brings us to the climax of the biblical story. In 21:9-22:9 John details the new...
AI 2041 offers glimpses of what religion might look like in a world transformed by AI.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once is a wild ride. I couldn’t figure out what I was watching half...
We are God’s joy. God loves us, all of us, despite our wandering far from what is good. Father...
Some years ago, I sat in the office of a pastor discussing discipleship. His perspective echoed...
You think you know what the Bible say, but do you really? Here are 7 easy ways to study the Bible...
For six seasons, TV fans enjoyed the guilty pleasure of rooting for the good-looking, affable...
God made us individuals, and we will always be individuals.
No one escapes this life unmarked by suffering. We broken people live on a broken planet, and...
Having grown up in The Salvation Army and played a baritone horn (3rd part Bb in the Christmas...
GAFCon’s censure of other Anglicans for dismissing Scripture on issues of sexuality seems absurd...
Today I realized that the parable of the lost sheep is not a salvation narrative; it is a...
Double Minded | When We Draw Near to God Previous article: Double Minded | Torn Between Two Worlds...
Could ChatGPT Start a New Religion? is an article that poses the question about how AI could...
KP Yohannan: 'I invite you to come, die, and live.' I listened as George Verwer issued that...
God has sent you and I a friend request. It’s extraordinary, really. The God who designs snowfalls...
In his 1526 lectures on Jonah Martin Luther taught that Jesus attacked Judaism and “abolished the...
Measuring evangelistic effectiveness by outcomes isn't consistent with how Scripture describes the...
YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR SEXUAL IDENTITY We live in a society of great debate over sexual...
This post is part of a larger conversation on the subject of Christians and guns at Patheos around...
This hymn is commonly paired with three tunes. First, and probably most often in this country, it...
It is already a hot, sultry day here in Bing, and so we’ve done a decently lengthed podcast about...
In Romans 12:1, the Apostle Paul instructs us to be “living sacrifices.” As you keep reading it...
God wants to use you for His glory but you must be willing to respond to the power of God's call...
“Why?” Chapter III, Parts 12 & 13 (pp. 121-169) Thanks to those of you who are persevering...
People today are more aware of the presence and power of shame. Unfortunately, we still struggle...
One of the common claims I see made on the left is false equivalency. For example, I detested the...
We live, move and have our being in a therapeutic culture. However, this will not last much...
Shadrach, Meshak, and Abednego demonstrates faith to stand against the power of King...
It was apparent that she meant no offense. Nevertheless, I remember clearly that the first thought...
When Jesus saw the large crowd in Matthew 14, He had compassion on them. He took time to care for...
This post is about the importance of keeping our eye fixed on the Holy Ghost Hole. It is important...
GFA World (Gospel for Asia) Mission agency launches sewing machine campaign, empowers families in...
Addressing a false accusation.