It Is Not Easy to Combat the Brutal Winds

It Is Not Easy to Combat the Brutal Winds December 24, 2022

One Red Rose on a Table
Photo by Susan P. Lax

It is not always easy to combat the brutal winds.

Winter here in New York is cold, the brutal wind shouts with a fierceness at the corner of my block.

It is not always easy to combat the brutal winds.

Catching my breath can be a battle in itself.

 Finding a way to get through them is definitely a challenge for me.

Thinking about one accomplishment I achieved that day.

I have figured out a system that enables my mind to cheer my body on, as the cold, loud winds try and push me back.

As I begin to approach that exact place, the wind’s starting point, I switch mind gears.

Thinking about one accomplishment I achieved that day.

One moment that I was my own champion.

Almost instantly the speed and battle with nature ease up.

I find my steps quicken and time brings me to the door of my building.

Sometimes I catch myself smiling as I arrive, feeling a winner like achievement.

During the holiday season, some can feel the strong winds of grief, hardship and soul challenges, shouting loudly.

During the holiday season, some can feel the strong winds of grief, hardship and soul challenges shouting loudly.

They too, may try and push you back, attempt to stop you from taking a step forward.

The difficulty of a new breath becomes so very real.

You are that one accomplishment.

You have already taken that one step you didn’t think you could.

Chosen the sweetness only a new breath could offer.

Your accomplishment is in every moment you said I will, I can.

You are the hero of your own moment.

That is an accomplishment that should be celebrated at least once a day.

One moment at a time one achievement at a time.

This season turn your heart and mind focus to acknowledge the champion of your moment, you.

One moment at a time, one achievement at a time

From My Morning Inspiration a wish for you, me and all of humanity:

May you walk the road of compassion, kindness and self-love

May you walk the road of patience, acceptance, peace and justice.

May you walk the road of hope, courage, laughter and connection.

May you walk the road accompanied by our dreams, quietude and


May you walk the road of gratitude and awareness.

May the blue skies above, embrace you as you travel your road.


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