Today, Bishop Stephen D. Parkes issued the statement below in regards to the Carmel in Savannah. Important to note is that the Bishop has no jurisdiction over the property of Carmel. The issue at hand is between the Carmel of Savannah and the Carmelite Order worldwide. This is the case with every religious order that functions in a diocese – the Bishop usually does not own their property, nor can he make internal decisions of the Order. Bishop Parkes has... Read more
Carmelite Monasteries Close, Cor Orans, what is this all about?
I recently posted a statement by Bishop Parkes of the Diocese of Savannah in relation to the recent happenings at the Savannah Carmel, Our Lady of Confidence Monastery, where Carmelite nuns have faithfully prayed for the people of South Georgia since 1958. The statement was issued soon after a website published an article where a volunteer gardener of the monastery as well as an unknown insider of the monastery were interviewed. It is disheartening to see media which identifies as... Read more