June 4, 2023

Once upon a time, the office was a bustling hive of productivity, with workers flocking together daily in a shared workspace. But in recent years, this familiar scene has become a vanishing relic of a bygone era. The recent Flex Report from remote work platform Scoop reveals that full-time in-office work is gasping its last breaths, succumbing to the unstoppable rise of hybrid and remote work arrangements. The Rise of the Hybrid Workforce Like a phoenix rising from the ashes... Read more

June 1, 2023

As we navigate the new normal of hybrid and remote work, employees must learn to access information quickly and easily to maintain high productivity levels. In a recent interview with Dan Mallin, Founder and CEO of Lucy, we discussed the challenges and potential solutions for optimizing employee capabilities in this evolving work landscape. The Importance of Streamlined Access to Information The “new normal” has created a unique set of challenges for employees and organizations alike. Mallin points out that many... Read more

June 1, 2023

Hybrid employees don’t hate the office – they hate commuting to it, surveys show, since for many commuting takes over an hour per day and costs many thousands of dollars per year. And peer-reviewed studies find clear associations between longer commuting times and worse job satisfaction, increased stress, and poorer mental health. Given that data, when I consult for organizations on determining hybrid work arrangements for their employees, a primary consideration involves minimizing staff commuting time. That means using data-driven... Read more

May 31, 2023

New York City, a metropolis known for its bustling streets and skyscrapers, stands as a prime example of the lagging return to office culture. Peaking in the third quarter of last year, the city’s office visitation rates have since come down and remains way below pre-pandemic levels. This phenomenon serves as a cautionary tale for businesses still grappling with the challenges of hybrid and remote work. The Rise and Fall of Office Visitation Rates In Q1 2023, Real Estate Board... Read more

May 28, 2023

Imagine a chef who creates a mouth-watering feast, only to discover that the guests don’t actually want the gourmet spread. This is the predicament employers find themselves in as they attempt to usher employees back into the office or into new flexible work arrangements. The ingredients look promising, but the recipe for success remains elusive. A recent survey by the Centre for Future Work reveals that employers are missing the mark when it comes to employee buy-in on returning to... Read more

May 27, 2023

According to a recent survey conducted by job site Monster, more than one in four (26%) US workers would rather undergo a root canal procedure than work in their offices five days a week. Additionally, nearly two in five (38%) workers said they would quit a job that required just one day onsite. These staggering statistics reveal a clear shift in workers’ attitudes towards the traditional office environment, and companies that fail to adapt to this change risk losing their... Read more

May 26, 2023

Work from home jobs have become a permanent reality for many American federal government employees, despite opposition from Republican politicians. The Republican majority in the House has recently introduced a bill that would undermine hybrid work arrangements for federal workers, forcing government employees back into the office and out of any work-from-home strategies. The theory behind this bill is that agencies cannot be as productive out of the office as they are in it. However, this bill already faces a... Read more

May 24, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new set of challenges to the workplace, particularly for women. Harvard economist Claudia Goldin’s new book Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity sheds light on the obstacles that women, especially those with a college education, face in the labor market. In her book, Goldin demonstrates how the need to work long hours outside the home at prescribed times is one of the most important challenges for women, perpetuating disparities between the genders.... Read more

May 22, 2023

Lawyers strive for fairness and justice in every case they handle. However, the behavioral science research shows that human reasoning in legal contexts is inherently flawed and vulnerable to both explicit and implicit biases. Cognitive biases, as they are known, can significantly impact legal matters such as employment law, jury selection, public procurement, criminal defense, business decision-making, bankruptcy, and police misconduct. It is therefore crucial for legal professionals to understand and address these biases in order to ensure the integrity... Read more

May 20, 2023

Do you feel confident in your company’s hybrid and remote work environment? As a global expert in hybrid and remote work, I am constantly seeking insights from industry leaders to help organizations make a successful transition to remote work. Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tony DiBenedetto, the CEO of Appspace, a company that helps organizations connect and engage with their workforce, no matter where they are located. In this article, I will share some key takeaways from our... Read more

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