“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Most of us learned that song as children. Sweet, innocent, and comforting, but understanding the depth of those words takes some time.
Suppose we stop to think about it for a moment and realize that each of us is unique to God. What an incredible thought, indeed. The creator of all cares about us. In other words, we matter to God.
The Personal Battle (Me? I’m loved?)
So often, we go through life wondering if anyone cares or if anyone would care whether we were around or not. In a relationship with another person, the key to it working is getting to know that person. Spending time together and getting closer must happen for the relationship to grow. This same truth holds in our relationship with the Lord. We matter to Him, should we not reciprocate that care?
Religion is a vast word that encompasses so many things, but hardly any of them deal with a personal relationship with Christ. Man created religion to try and find a way to God, but God already covered that through the Cross; that is the real message we need to grasp. When Jesus answered the question, “Why did You come?” He gave a clear, to-the-point answer “To seek and to save the lost.” He cares for every one of us. No matter where we are in life, He will meet us there.
If we truly understand the heart of God, then we will see that no sin, no wrong, no past, none of these will make Him say, “Well, not you; I can’t help you.” He is unlike anyone else we will ever meet or know. People often judge, criticize, or develop feelings about others based only on appearance or, even worse, stories they have heard. Jesus looks at the heart. He knows what is real and what is true.
The Bible teaches that Jesus did not come to “condemn the world but to save it.” Therefore, if we consider that He was thinking about each one of us when He gave His life, that should not only make us grateful, but it should make each one of us want to know Him better.
The Burden
Over the last many years, the Lord has burdened my heart with one subject—the importance of how believers treat each other and how we show Him through and lives and actions. We will only reach others when they see that what we say and do are the same. In other words, it has to be authentic.
We live in a world where reality is a word used as it pertains to shows on television. We see people allowing their daily lives to be on display and give the audience a perception of reality. However, the sad truth is that very little of this is ever real, but only for entertainment. God, however, is very real. Jesus taught us that we will keep His commandments if we genuinely love Him. What are those commands? He made it so simple that anyone could understand. Love God and love one another; that statement has nothing complicated involved.
Our Outlook
As believers, this should govern what we do and how we do it. Yet, as we look toward the days ahead, things sometimes look uncertain. What will the politicians do, what will people do, or what will be the next tragedy or created dilemma used to drive fear? We do not know.
Our Comfort
However, if you have placed your trust in Christ if you have surrendered your heart and made Him Lord of your life, then nothing is uncertain. It does not all end at the grave; our best days are ahead and above. So keep your eyes on Jesus. When you do, then nothing is impossible.
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From my heart,
Pastor Andy