Has COVID-19 strengthened your religious beliefs?

Has COVID-19 strengthened your religious beliefs? August 12, 2022

For some people, the global pandemic has been a time of reflection and strengthened religious beliefs. For others, it has been a time of doubt and questioning. COVID-19 has forced people to confront their mortality, and for some, this has led to a renewed sense of faith.

Those who already had strong religious beliefs may have found them even more strengthened during this time. The pandemic can be seen as a test of faith, and those who have come through it with their beliefs intact may feel that their faith is stronger than ever.

For me, the time frame of the pandemic was tiresome and traumatic. But ultimately, I came out of it with a stronger sense of faith. The pandemic made me realize how much I rely on my religious beliefs to get through tough times. As I was watching the world stopping, people locking themselves up, deserted roads, and bustling hospitals, it gave me anxiety attacks. And when I was affected by the virus, it made my anxiety even worse. The fear of dying and leaving my loved ones behind weighed on me heavily.

But in the darkest of times, my faith was the light that guided me. I turned to prayer and religious texts for comfort. I found solace in knowing that there was a greater power at work, even if I couldn’t see it. My beliefs gave me the strength to carry on, even when everything around me felt hopeless.

I started researching what my religion says about this global crisis and I found many instances in the hadith of the prophet(PBUH). In one of the hadiths, the prophet was asked by his beloved wife Aisha(PBUH) if the plague is a punishment from Allah(SWT).

She said: I asked about the plague, and the Prophet responded:” It is a punishment sent by Allah on whom He wants to punish.” “And Allah made it a source of mercy for the believers.” Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 3474

I was curious to find more on this topic and started to read different interpretations of this hadith. I found that many scholars see the pandemic as a test from Allah, and those who pass will be richly rewarded in the hereafter. This made me feel more hopeful and motivated to get through this tough time.

The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (turned to us and said: ‘O Muhajirun, there are five things with which you will be tested, and I seek refuge with Allah (SWT) lest you live to see them:

“Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, except that plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them”

My faith even taught me the etiquette that needs to be followed when the pandemic is spread in a land.

It is said by the prophet of Allah(SWT)

“When you heard about a plague in any land, then do not enter it.”

“And if plague outbreaks in your land, then do not leave your land.”  (Sahih Al-Bukhari 5728)

It’s been almost three years since the pandemic started, and I can say that my faith has only grown stronger. I am more grateful for the blessings in my life, and I have a greater appreciation for the things that really matter. My religious beliefs have given me strength and comfort during this difficult time, and I am grateful to Allah(SWT) for keeping me satisfied during the dark times.

But, There is light at the end of every tunnel. And there is a relief after every hardship. Also, there is hope after every trial.

The final Prophet of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (said:

There is no disease that Allah has created, except that he also has created its treatment.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 5678

Whether your faith has been strengthened or shaken by the pandemic, it is an understandable response to a truly unprecedented situation. Whatever your beliefs, this time has likely been a time of growth and change for everyone. Some people have turned to religion for comfort during these difficult times. They find solace in prayer and worship. For them, their faith is a source of strength during tough times. Others have found their faith challenged by the events of the past year. But even for those who are questioning their beliefs, the pandemic has likely been a time of growth and change.

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