The Good News for the day, Sunday, August 21, 2022
Sunday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time
The Gospel
Jesus was passing through towns and villages, teaching as he went, heading to Jerusalem.
Someone asked Him, “Sir will only a few people be saved?”
He answered, “Work to get in through the gate that is harder to get through, the one that blocks so many people. I’m telling you, many people will try to get in but will not manage to.
Once the head of a household has gotten up from his bed and locked his front door, you will be standing outside, knocking, saying, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ He will will respond to your appeal, ‘I don’t know where you’re from!’
You will complain, ‘We used to eat and drink with you, and you taught in our streets.’
In his final response, he will tell you, ‘I really don’t know where you are not here coming from. Just go away, all you people who have done so much wrong!’
You will express your frustration and regret. Why? Because you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – and all the prophets – in the kingdom of God while you yourselves are cast out.
And there will be people arriving from the East and from the West, from the North and the South. They are the ones who will share the banquet in the kingdom of God.
Look! Some who are last are going to be first, and some who are first are going to be last.” (Luke 13) [my translation]
Reflections of the Word of Jesus
In reading Scripture, many, if not most, people tend to view it as history. In this case, Jesus is talking – historically – to and about recalcitrant Jews era and their failure to accept him as their Messiah.
The Permanent Truth
There is certainly truth in that view as told to us by scholars about this ancient literature. It is also true that the historical context hides – and reveals – an eternal, permanent value. The deeper truth – the important element – is not history, docudrama, or reporting at all.
What happened then happened, yes, but the permanent truth, the inspiration, and the real point is now. This permanent truth comes to you and me and the millions of people unacquainted with history.
Jesus offers a challenge here not just to hear, but to do. He is addressing biblical people, men and women of faith. The point is that we have an acquaintance with Jesus. In a sense he is speaking to you and me in the streets, in our daily life.
What Counts (1)
But followers of Jesus do not just read but act, do not just see – but integrate what he says and what is read into our lives. Unlike so many who claim to follow Jesus, the true follower absorbs Jesus into instinctive behavior, into our very bloodstream.
People who follow Jesus know that there are people who claim to be religious but do not get it.
- Some merely imitate external actions.
- Others quote wise and challenging sayings.
- And very many claim for themselves the label of Christians one way or another. They may lead great congregations, even work miracles, and spend their lives clothed in that reputation.
What Counts (2)
Jesus is saying such people are just knockers at the door. Their claim of acquaintance is true – but of no value. What counts is doing the will of our Father. What counts is behavior in the Spirit of Jesus. Knowledge of Scripture, leading congregations, and a reputation for piety are just not enough. That is the point.
The Importance Here
What brings us into the kingdom?
- Self-correcting humility is one element.
- Another is charity unseen by others.
- Still another involves self-denial and repentance.
In other words the way of the cross remains foreign to some people who practice religion without true faith.
They fail to get the Spirit of Jesus – how he is loved and loves others with the love of God the Creator. This love can be costly, and so many avoid that.
Until the day they die they will cry, “Lord, Lord” and miss altogether the love of God – the true love of God. The core of truly following Jesus is the faith in a living and loving God, and not in the externals of religion – the claims to know Jesus, without doing the loving will of a loving God.