May 22, 2023

A study published in 2015 showed 89% of American women are dissatisfied with their bodies, and 84% of those women want to be thinner. I had to take pause when I read that. That is very high. This is becoming more of a global experience. Years prior, the studies were showing that body dissatisfaction was more isolated to certain cultures and countries, but now it’s a global issue, and I would imagine a lot of that has to do with... Read more

April 25, 2023

The Emotional Clusters is the single most effective tool that I use during coaching. When people begin coaching with me, their emotional vocabulary is usually limited. Most of us know when we’re angry, and we know when we are sad, and we know when we’re happy. But beyond that being able to name specific emotions such as disgust, responsible, hesitant, pressured, yearning, or hopeless does not usually come naturally. However, if we can use our mindfulness abilities to take pause,... Read more

April 12, 2023

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts or images or impulses, and they can sometimes make us question our stability. They might make us question our mental health, not to mention cause feelings of shame. Ninety percent of the population experiences intrusive thoughts. And many people are hesitant to reveal or disclose these intrusive thoughts to other people. Here are some examples of intrusive thoughts, thinking about swerving your car into incoming traffic. Thinking about images of hurting a loved one, thinking... Read more

April 3, 2023

Our sympathetic nervous system gets triggered due to physical or emotional threats, and we go into either fight, flight, freeze or fawn response. The fawn response means we try to survive by becoming more appealing to the threat. The Fawn response was first coined by psychotherapist, Pete Walker, in his book Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving. It’s important to mention, Pete Walker is a marriage and family therapist. This is pertinent because we develop a fawning response if our... Read more

March 15, 2023

Enneagram is a personality typing tool. It’s rooted in ancient knowledge traditions. It’s been around since about 330 AD. I think it’s really rooted in some of these ancient traditions and things, like mindfulness. The word itself, Enneagram, means a nine-sided figure. It comes from a Greek word. The figure that we’re talking about here is a circle. There are nine types, numbers one through nine. They’re next to each other on the circle as you go around. The Enneagram... Read more

November 16, 2022

Research shows mindful leadership training and coaching supports three major categories: (a) decrease in stress and overcoming burnout, (2) better organization and focus, and (3) improved relationships and how you are perceived by others. Listen and find out how study participants are gaining these benefits with mindful leadership skills.If your mindset is the beliefs you bring to a situation, how does your mindfulness compare to your mindset? Mindful leadership experts say the key to successful leadership is having a combination... Read more

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