April 4, 2020

Although churches will remain closed for the next few weeks, many dioceses and parishes are working diligently to put together resources to help families experience Holy Week and Easter from home. Check out this awesome resource from the Diocese of Phoenix titled A Journey Through Holy Week for Families [PDF]. Please share it with your family and friends. Hope you enjoy it! Read more

April 4, 2020

Aunque las iglesias seguirán cerradas estas próximas semanas, muchas diócesis y parroquias están trabajando arduamente para crear programas para que las familias experimenten la Semana Santa y la Pascua desde sus hogares. Miren este recurso maravilloso de la Diócesis de Phoenix titulado Un Viaje a Través de la Semana Santa [PDF].  Por favor de compartirlo con sus familiares y amigos. Espero que lo disfruten! Read more

April 3, 2020

“En la familia, ‘que se podría llamar iglesia doméstica’ … La Iglesia es familia de familias, constantemente enriquecida por la vida de todas las iglesias domésticas. Por lo tanto, «en virtud del sacramento del matrimonio cada familia se convierte, a todos los efectos, en un bien para la Iglesia. En esta perspectiva, ciertamente también será un don valioso, para el hoy de la Iglesia, considerar la reciprocidad entre familia e Iglesia: la Iglesia es un bien para la familia, la... Read more

April 3, 2020

  Aquí está un horario tentativo semanal que como familia desarrollamos. Este horario no está escrito en piedra, sino que servirá como guía para nuestro horario diario. Siéntase libre de usarlo también como guía para su familia. Que este tiempo de cuarentena sea un tiempo para que la iglesia doméstica crezca en su fe y amor por Dios y por los demás. 6:00 – 6:05 am – Ángelus (Regina Coeli durante la Pascua) 6:05 – 6:30 am – Prepare café,... Read more

April 2, 2020

  “Pero cuando les escribí esa carta, me sentía tan preocupado y afligido que hasta lloraba. Sin embargo, no la escribí para causarles tristeza, sino para que vieran el amor tan grande que les tengo”. (2 Corintios 2:4)   Mientras escribo esta carta con la ayuda de mi esposa e hijos, no puedo evitar pensar en la “carta de lágrimas” de San Pablo a los corintios. El gran predicador y misionero de la iglesia primitiva se entristeció al ver los... Read more

March 29, 2020

Here is a tentative weekday schedule our family came up with. This schedule is not set in stone, instead, it will serve as a guide for our daily schedule. Please feel free to use it as a guide for your family as well. May this time of quarantine be a time for the domestic church to grow in their faith and love for God and one another. 6:00 – 6:05 am – Angelus (Regina Coeli during Easter) 6:05 – 6:30... Read more

March 29, 2020

“Within the family ‘which could be called a domestic church, individuals enter upon an ecclesial experience of communion among persons…The Church is a family of families, constantly enriched by the lives of all domestic churches. In virtue of the sacrament of matrimony, every family becomes, in effect, a good for the Church. From this standpoint, reflecting on the interplay between the family and the Church will prove a precious gift for the Church in our time. The Church is good... Read more

March 28, 2020

  “For I wrote you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.” (2 Corinthians 2:4) As I write this letter with the help of my wife and children, I can’t help but think of St. Paul’s “letter of tears” to the Corinthians. The great preacher and missionary of the primitive church was saddened to see the many... Read more

March 10, 2020

I try to understand to no avail why some Catholics are angry about the bishops taking measures such as Communion in the hands (unless it’s the EF of the Mass in which only kneeling and on the tongue is permitted) or canceling public Masses to ensure the common good. They accuse them of little faith. They see them as traitors. Some even say that this is a test from God and they have failed. Others insist the Pachamama or some... Read more

January 14, 2020

 By my beautiful wife, Nora de Loera “And I wouldn’t have been able to do this without employing a woman’s right to choose. To choose when to have my children and with whom.” -Michelle Williams During her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes, actress Michelle Williams confessed that thanks to “a woman’s right to choose” – that is, thanks to the fact that she was able to abort her baby – she was able to succeed in her career. What... Read more

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