August 17, 2015

As I type this, my heart is equal parts heavy and lightened. On October 14, 2012, I shared a post here announcing my great joy at becoming a part of Patheos. When I read those words again this morning, I recall the joy I felt that day–joy I still feel when I ponder the amazing journey it has been to be a part of this particular community of writers at Patheos. A few weeks ago, I spent time with my... Read more

July 28, 2015

This morning, I was minding my own business just enjoying a cup of coffee while perusing Facebook. I’d already prayed today’s gospel and determined that I’d like to be one of the “righteous ones” who “shine like the sun”. I had my to do list ready and my plans for the day set. And then I saw my friend Kim’s Facebook post. In it she shared a link to the following video and her post began with the words, “I... Read more

July 27, 2015

I’m sure I’ll be sharing lots of great news about my newly launched children’s fiction series “Chime Travelers” in the upcoming weeks. I thought I would begin today by sharing the official press release for the books. This series has been an ongoing labor of love for the last several months, so it’s a true joy to hold the books in my hands and to share them with my favorite young (and young at heart) readers! I’ll include information below... Read more

July 24, 2015

I’ve had quite a wild ride the last few weeks. Among my many and varied activities, I spend a few hours at the fabulous Rubin Museum in Manhattan, admiring both art and native dance performances from Nepal. The chance to view cultural and religious treasures from this far-off corner of the world reminded me of Nepal’s pressing need for love and support. So often, we rush to help in these situations in the hashtag frenzied hours immediately after the crisis,... Read more

July 6, 2015

I’m pleased to invite all of you, and especially those living in the North Carolina region, to a special one-day women’s conference! Join me at St. Michael the Archangel in Cary, NC on August 8 for the “Women of Wonder” event: Featuring Keynote Speaker Lisa Hendey National Speaker, Founder of, Writer, Webmaster, Podcaster and Author “The Grace of Yes” – Humility ∙ Forgiveness ∙ Rebirth ∙ Ascending ∙ Hope Also Speaking Joan Junginger Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader and Co-founder of The Heart’s Journey... Read more

July 6, 2015

Today we remember the short but poignant life of St. Maria Goretti, a martyr for the faith. The gospel we pray from Matthew 9 brings us another brave woman who has suffered from hemorrhages for twelve years: A woman suffering hemorrhages for twelve years came up behind him and touched the tassel on his cloak. She said to herself, “If only I can touch his cloak, I shall be cured.” Jesus turned around and saw her, and said, “Courage, daughter! Your... Read more

July 5, 2015

I’m playing around with how to make my Facebook Page a better service to my friends and readers so for the second Sunday in a row, I recorded a short video update to share a bit of news: I’m hoping to keep these light, fun and not too long. If you haven’t already “liked” my Facebook page, please head to and “like” the page. I’ll be using it to share news, information, links and all things related to my... Read more

July 4, 2015

I’m slowly working my way through the book You Can, You Will: 8 Undeniable Qualities of a Winner by Joel Osteen. Today, after reading the Gospel passage from Matthew 9 and praying about whether or not I’m a “new wineskin”, I came across this sentence in Chapter Two (“Run Your Race”) of Osteen’s book: It’s good to get free from addictions, free from anxiety, and free from depression, but one of the greatest freedoms is to get free from controlling people.... Read more

July 3, 2015

Today’s gospel for the Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle, always hits me across the head like a two by four. In my personal reading of the near climax of John’s gospel, I envision myself as Thomas. My friends have had the good fortune of seeing the risen Christ. I’m Thomas, probably off doing something very good and worthwhile–busy no doubt–and so I miss out. When I come home and hear what happens, I don’t rejoice at my friends’ good fortune.... Read more

July 1, 2015

I’ve been praying over today’s gospel from Matthew 8:28-34 and looking at the story of the Gadarenes, from a few different vantage points. To help me put the gospel in perspective, I went to a daily reflection video from my own Diocesan television network KNXT: and peeked at today’s Twitter status from Fr. James Martin, SJ: Gospel: After Jesus healed the Gerasene demoniacs, the people in the region begged Jesus to leave. Change can be frightening. But fear not. — James... Read more

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