February 20, 2017

Dear Readers of My Patheos Blog, You may notice that I haven’t been posting on here a lot. This is because I have established a new blog on my new author’s website. My goal for 2017 is to publish my novel (as well as my poetry collections) and I want my new blog to reflect the new path that I am embarking on. You can find me on msocampowrites.com. I will still be writing posts relating to my Catholic faith, but... Read more

January 13, 2017

In recent months, I discovered a saint that I never met before: St. Margaret of Cortona. I first learned her name while I was browsing my parish’s Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk. There was a CD about her paired with Saint Augustine as a saint for sinners. Given how familiar I was with Augustine’s story, I had to wonder how this other woman could’ve compared in terms of flagrant sinning and heartfelt penance. It’s a brand new year and in the... Read more

December 28, 2016

I’ll be the first one to say that I’m a casual Star Wars fan at best. I respect the films for the impact they made on culture and I like the overall story of the original trilogy and the themes of the prequel trilogy. The Force Awakens was also one that I really liked.  What makes Rogue One different from all the other Star Wars movies I saw was that it made the biggest emotional impact on me. What I Liked About Rogue One Why... Read more

December 19, 2016

Why Do We Still Need Mercy? The year of Mercy may be over, but as we enter into 2017, we are in need of mercy now more than ever. Someone once said to me that they would rather go to Hell than forgive the people who hurt them. To my surprise, a friend of mine who converted from Protestantism said that it’s something a lot of so-called Christians say. It’s hard for me to believe that people who claim to... Read more

December 6, 2016

Epic Rap Battles of History! Nicholas vs Arius! Begin! Arius: God is the Supreme, on that we can agree, but that His son is His equal? I just cannot see! The son of man was born, so he was just a creation. Not the king of all kings and the lord of all nations. Nicholas: Watch your mouth, you old heretic, and you’d best write this down cuz this bishop from Myra is coming to town. In the beginning there... Read more

October 25, 2016

This episode feels very “ripped from the headlines,” as it addresses the current refugee crisis using aliens as a metaphor. Lynda Carter guest stars as the President of the United States. Kara interviews the anti-alien Lena Luthor as well as the mysterious Kryptonian who escaped from the DEO who turns out to be a Daxamite, a sister planet to Krypton. Kara weighs over her pro-alien views with her prejudice against Mon-El, the Daxamite. Most of the time, Supergirl would act on... Read more

October 20, 2016

  I never thought there would come the day where I would disagree with Bishop Robert Barron on anything, but his latest article about the “You Go Girl” culture made me uneasy. While I agree that parents in television, particularly dads, are usually portrayed as stupid at best and abusive at worst, I don’t agree with Bishop Robert Barron’s perspective that males are being made to appear weak in order to make women look stronger. My friend Emily A. said... Read more

October 18, 2016

Superman has arrived on the scene in National City and Kara is enjoying working together with her cousin. To my surprise, the people who aren’t enjoying this are Hank and Alex.  Hank isn’t enjoying it due to the fallout he had with Superman and they don’t agree with what to do with the mysterious Kryptonian who causes periodical outages throughout the building. Thanks to Cadmus, John Corben has been recreated into Metallo. He shows up again on the bridge, luring the... Read more

October 14, 2016

Amidst all the drama going on the current political sphere, I want to share some hope for humanity and also fill your news feed with some fun things that will make your October a lot more fun. — 1 — Since October is the month of the Rosary, I want to take advantage of this time to promote Heart of Mary Women Fellowship’s Bible study on the Rosary. Each of the Mysteries comes with a free study journal. I’m also... Read more

October 11, 2016

The beginning of the second season picks up where the first season left off, with Supergirl and Martian Manhunter discovering a mysterious pod from Krypton. Supergirl looks inside and discovers a Kryptonian man inside. After discovering this mysterious Kryptonian, J’onn takes Supergirl to a new DEO facility, with some jokes at the old base from the first season. This is the first indicator of the network jump. Since the show films in Vancouver as opposed to Los Angeles, it makes sense that... Read more

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