October 30, 2015

This post is part of a larger conversation on the subject of Christians and guns at Patheos around the new documentary, The Armor of Light.  For more responses to the film, click here. Is there any contradiction between a culture that celebrates the sanctity of human life and a culture that celebrates the instruments of death? Such is the question posed by The Armor of Light, a new documentary by Abigail Disney (from that Disney family). The film traces the steps... Read more

June 30, 2015

As ever, a pleasure to offer this guest post from my friend Peter Wehner, a thoughtful Christian and one of the most important voices on public policy today: * Some Reflections on the Gay Marriage Decision By Peter Wehner In light of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, here are some thoughts on what it all might mean: 1. In one respect, the Supreme Court decision won’t radically alter the facts on the ground. Prior to the decision... Read more

June 16, 2015

It’s always a pleasure to post a piece from the terrific Pete Wehner, whose sojourn has led him through three Republican presidential administrations, to the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and now to a position as a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. Full bio below. * A recent Washington Post story on gay marriage and evangelical Christianity describes some of the splits that are emerging. (Tony Campolo, a liberal evangelical leader, and former Christianity Today editor-in-chief David Neff declared... Read more

May 8, 2015

I’ve published pieces from time to time by my friend Mark Goldblatt, a professor and novelist whose work I’ve enjoyed. I’m very pleased to publish this story and reflection for Mother’s Day from Mark: * Living Memory By Mark Goldblatt On May 15th 1944, the front page of the New York Times carried a brief dispatch from the war in Europe. It told the story of an American B-17, on a bombing run over Laon, France, that was struck by a bomb accidentally released... Read more

March 18, 2015

Hello everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve published here regularly, but I look forward to getting started again. The creative agency I launched, Polymath Innovations, has expanded dramatically and we’ve had many wonderful clients and projects. At an Oxford event last year, we worked with BioLogos to develop videos now housed at Patheos here — be sure to check out the feature. I’ll especially include this video, since it relates to the guest post below: And with that, I’d... Read more

December 5, 2014

It’s always a pleasure to host a guest post from the esteemed Peter Wehner, former deputy assistant to President Bush and current fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC. It’s been some time since I’ve published regular pieces myself, but I expect to resume regular posting soon. In the meantime, enjoy Mr Wehner’s reflections on one of the topics that’s always stood at the center of my own writing and scholarship: human suffering and its complex relationship to... Read more

September 23, 2014

It’s a pleasure for me to publish this piece from Dr. Jerry Pattengale, who is University Professor at Indiana Wesleyan University as well as the Director of the Green Scholars Initiative. Jerry is a kind of academic entrepreneur, an innovator and developer of new learning approaches and ventures. * The Secularization of Suicide By Jerry Pattengale “Frequent Flyers” has taken on a new meaning in the Missouri hotel I frequent. It refers to the jumpers from the tenth-floor balcony into an... Read more

August 15, 2014

Peter Wehner wrote an excellent response to Ann Coulter’s recent column on Dr. Kent Brantly. Ms. Coulter responded, in turn. So I’m very pleased to present Mr. Wehner’s reply here. * Ann Coulter’s Absurd Defense Ann Coulter has responded to my criticism of her, as well as to those made by Russell Moore and Alan Cross. I’ll let Messrs. Moore and Cross answer for themselves, if they so choose. I’ll focus my response on what she said about me. 1.... Read more

August 8, 2014

Editor’s Note: I am grateful now as always for a guest post from my esteemed friend, Peter Wehner.  * In her most recent column, “Ebola’s Doc’s Condition Downgraded to ‘Idiotic’”, Ann Coulter mocks Dr. Kent Brantly. Dr. Brantly is a family practice physician who was serving in Liberia through a Samaritan’s Purse program before joining a medical team responding to the Ebola crisis. A husband and father of two young children, Dr. Brantly tested positive for the Ebola virus while treating... Read more

July 22, 2014

An inspiring guest post by a writer I respect and enjoy reading – Timothy Dalrymple  * By Marta Hummel Mossburg Rowing is not a sport for our times. In an age where even the president thinks it’s OK to snap a selfie at a funeral, the concept of finding oneself through losing oneself is oxymoronic. But as rowers know, the transcendence that comes from pushing your legs and your back and your arms harder than you ever thought possible because... Read more

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