The Power of God’s Call

The Power of God’s Call February 27, 2023

The way kids select sporting teams during school recess is a microcosm of how the world works. The two best athletes are identified as captains and then begins the process of elimination. One-by-one the best athletes are chosen as the others pray they are not chosen last. This process mirrors the modus operandi of the world’s system. In the world, people are selected based on their abilities, influence and prestige. Thankfully, God does not operate like the world and does not choose people based on their ability. The power of God’s call transcends human limitations.

Power of God's call
Joshua Earle |

One of the first things Jesus did after starting His public ministry was begin to hand select the disciples. There are few things that match the beauty of the divine Creator invading the lives ordinary people and making their lives count for an eternal purpose. In the Gospel of Matthew, we learn three incredible insights about the power of God’s call and what it means for you today:

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him (Matthew 4:18-22).

1) The power of God’s call uses what you were to accomplish His purpose.

We discover in Matthew 4:18 that Jesus approached two brothers who were fishermen and called them to be His disciples. These men were poor, unlearned and common. Seemingly, they did not have the attributes needed to carry out a mission of divine significance. However, there’s something about people that come from a lowly past. Such people know what it means to work hard. They’ve been shaped by the school of hard knocks. These fishermen made a living by facing the hazards of the trade day and night, and God used what they were for His divine purpose.

In the same way, God wants to use what you were to accomplish His purpose. It can be difficult to imagine God using ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. You might feel that you have nothing to offer; no abilities, no experience and no proper education. Even worse, you may have a track record of problems, mistakes and brokenness. Well, it’s time to shift your thinking and realize that God wants to use what you were in a new way. Those with the most challenging pasts often have the most powerful ministries.

You’re in good company if you struggle to believe that God can use you. Gideon was astonished that God chose him, the least among the weakest clan, to become a mighty warrior. Moses wanted God to choose someone else. Jonah even ran away from God. Paul reminds us, “Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth” (1 Corinthians 1:26). God chooses the least likely people so that no man can take credit for His work.

2) The power of God’s call changes what you do to accomplish His purpose.

Jesus said to the fishermen, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people” (Matthew 4:19). These men spent their days working hard and developing their craft. However, the power of God’s call compelled them to abandon their old work and apply their hands to a new work. They no longer fished to make money, they fished to save souls. They were no longer men of perverse lips, they used their lips to share the Good News. They were called to a new type of work—Kingdom work—but they were first required to follow Jesus.

The power of God’s call must compel you to change what you do. Following Jesus means that you don’t hang with the same people, go to the same places, or say the same things. It begins with receiving God’s offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ and trusting His plan for your life. It means finding a local church and integrating your life with other life-giving people. Ultimately, following Jesus culminates in investing your time, talent and treasure to accomplish His purposes.

Some reading this article have compromised God’s call on their lives by not changing what they do. Until you fully understand that following Jesus is so much greater than wallowing around in the mud puddle of mediocrity, you will remain stuck. Make the decision today to align your actions with what it means to truly follow Jesus. Paul reminds us, “Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them” (1 Corinthians 1:26).

3) The power of God’s call honors how you respond.

Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him (Matthew 4:18-22). The way these fishermen responded to God’s call is noteworthy. They took immediate action and did not talk themselves out of following Jesus. Too many people have good intentions but never get around to a genuine response. The hard reality is that good intentions are meaningless. Only action can change the outcome of our lives. We must not procrastinate when the Spirit of God speaks.

I can only offer three pieces of advice to those who feel the power of God’s call compelling them forward. 1) Don’t delay one more second; 2) Don’t take anything with you on the journey; 3) Follow Jesus wherever He may lead you. Many have allowed the affections of human relationships to lure them away from obedience to God. Some have allowed possessions (lands and houses) to keep them from responding to God’s call. Others are simply unwilling to part with the comforts and personal desires that get in the way of their divine assignment.

Make no mistake, the folly of carnal thinking causes people to cling to temporal things in an attempt to experience the best life. However, Jesus alone offers the best life—the only abundant life. He teaches us that it’s only through the process of letting go that we truly experience abundant life. “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it” (Mark 8:35).

Don’t resist the power of God’s call on your life. Respond today and follow Jesus wherever He leads you.

Watch Pastor Robert teach about The Power of God’s Call.

Do you feel spiritually empty and emotionally exhausted? Learn to live spiritually free. Sign up for Robert’s free, 3-part video series today, derived from the book The Art of Marketing Jesus.

About Robert Wachter
Robert Wachter is an author, speaker and coach. As the global marketing director for Best Christian Workplaces, and the founder and lead pastor of Imagine Church, Robert uses his experience across two dimensions to help others reach their full potential. You can read more about the author here.

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