October 22, 2013

Editors note: Below is a guest post from Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr. Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr. teaches at Reformation Bible College in Sanford, Florida where he also serves as a teaching fellow for Ligonier Ministries. He is the founder of Highlands Ministries and former editor of Tabletalk magazine. It is a sure sign that sin messes things up that we keep watching the same boxing match over and over again, between truth and unity. Both sides, of course, insist that they have a deep and abiding love... Read more

September 13, 2013

Matt Chandler has released a new book called, To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain. Many I’m sure still remember his first book, The Explicit Gospel, which is an excellent book! Before getting into this book, I want to first mention that I think Chandler is one of the best preachers in the world, YES, the world. If you haven’t heard the man preach, check it out. That to say, I’m a fan. The book is a journey through... Read more

June 19, 2013

My job consists of me driving around from cafe to cafe, finding wifi and designing websites. Normally I won’t witness anything enthusing. In fact, on more than one occasion I’ve heard people brag about their partying over the weekend and how drunk they got. Another time I heard two people talking about their marital problems, and long story short they were having an affair with one another (if you’re a guy, don’t be stupid and go to a woman for... Read more

June 10, 2013

What man of you, having no sheep, does not leave his home and go after a sheep that has never been in his possession?  And when he has found a sheep that has also been looking for him, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying:  “Rejoice with me, for this sheep and I have found one another!”  Or what woman, possessing no silver coins, if she desires some money, does... Read more

June 3, 2013

For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. – Mark 8:38   That above statement of Jesus is one of my life verses (yeah, I’ve got life verses). It has both increased my boldness to be public about my convictions and also changed the way I interpret thorny issues.  Christ is saying,... Read more

May 22, 2013

At the end of C S Lewis’ Til We Have Faces there is this amazing scene. The protagonist, Orual, at the end of her life comes to face the gods. She has long had complaints against them for how they run their universe and the circumstances she has endured. She comes with her case against them – a large book – but arriving finds only a small scrap of paper scribbled with accusations. She reads her complaints to them again... Read more

May 9, 2013

Editor’s Note: Below is a guest post from Steve Swan. Steve is the associate pastor at The King’s Fellowship, a church in the heart of Winnipeg, Canada. Steve is married to his best friend, Sarah and they have two daughters, Nora(3) and Lulu(1). You can find his blog at Words of Truth & Reason. What is the power of God’s Word?  What happens when a preacher proclaims it?  What happens when we speak it? Martin Luther was kind of a... Read more

May 6, 2013

The United States of America was founded upon religious ideals. From the beginning when congress would gather they would first open every meeting in prayer, seeking wisdom and guidance from God above. 12 out of the 13 states had a tax created for the growth of churches and the preaching of the gospel. The American law was founded upon God’s law, the same law that is imprinted on our hearts and the same law that is the only absolute declaration... Read more

April 29, 2013

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April 24, 2013

“I WILL GIVE YOU REST.”  A COMMUNION ADDRESS AT MENTONE. BY CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON   “I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28. We have a thousand times considered these words as an encouragement to the labouring and the laden; and we may, therefore, have failed to read them as a promise to ourselves. But, beloved friends, we have come to Jesus, and therefore He stands engaged to fufil this priceless pledge to us. We may now enjoy the promise; for we have obeyed... Read more

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