December 15, 2019

I was wearing a kitschy “Jesus it the reason for the season” t-shirt. It was bright red with silver glitter, and perfect for grabbing attention. Quite common around where I’m from. As I sat across from a non-Southern friend, a thought occurred to me: What message does my shirt really send? After all, I have seen Christmas clothing much like mine for years – often worn by southern mamas as they hang tightly to their hollering toddlers waiting in line... Read more

November 18, 2019

Christians have always loved their chicken, and they have showed up in force for Chick Fil A (CFA). This was never more clear than on one day in 2012 when a national support day for the chicken chain left people driving long distances and waiting in linger lines to eat what many (jokingly?) call manna from Heaven. This took place after the media blew up a comment made by the CEO about his biblical views on marriage (which he later... Read more

November 1, 2019

The expression “one day at a time” is a familiar truth. Jesus speaks to its importance in Matthew 6:24 when He instructs us not to worry about tomorrow. Yes, taking things one day at a time is a necessity. This call to focus on each day as it comes can become more personal after loss. Perhaps the most pressing time to heed these words of wisdom is at the holidays. This is something I am having to learn for myself... Read more

September 27, 2019

Anyone who has lived long enough is acquainted with grief – that is, according to Dr. Alan Wolfelt, the “internal response to loss.” Mourning is a whole other experience entirely. Mourning is the outward expression of grief. Few people do this, but the mourner is not really to blame. Sadly, our microwave society does not allow people to take the time to mourn. By the way, our society consists of us. We don’t like pain. Not only do we avoid pain for ourselves,... Read more

May 7, 2019

As the years pass by and awareness grows, there are a flurry of articles, blogs, Facebook posts, and tweets reminding folks that Mother’s Day can be painful for women who long for children. There is compassionate content shared about those that are infertile or single, with gentle reminders that this day set aside to celebrate those whose dreams have been realized may find it difficult. As a woman who spent many years desiring to celebrate this day as a mama... Read more

April 13, 2019

Abby Johnson has faced her share of critics. People who support abortion rights don’t like it when anyone tells the truth about the killing of unborn human beings. They don’t like it when you talk about the baby’s heartbeat starting at 6 weeks. They don’t like it when you share about the disproportionate number of African American women who receive abortions. (Over  35% of all aborted babies are black. Right on par with Margaret Sanger’s eugenics efforts.) And they sure don’t... Read more

February 1, 2019

February 5th is a big day – It’s the day my second book is being released! I am so thankful to Moody Publishers for publishing “Relational Reset: Unlearning the Habits that Hold You Back.” On February 6th, please tune in to Dr. Gary Chapman’s Building Relationships on Moody Radio at 11:00 AM EST as we talk #RelationalReset. Please use this hashtag to share about the book, and be on the lookout for more information on upcoming interviews and articles. I am... Read more

January 24, 2019

What happened in New York has gotten people talking and acting. That is a good thing. But you need to know that NY is not alone in their outrageous abortion allowances. Every state allows abortion, and 8 states plus DC have no prohibitions. In fact, the remaining states allow exceptions for health. And health is not defined – physical or mental health concerns of any kind are acceptable reasons. Abortions are disproportionally obtained by poor, minority women. Yet, abortion is celebrated... Read more

December 27, 2018

My mother usually waits until the epiphany before she starts un-decorating from Christmas. With the way my parents go all out in their decorating, this is a big job – carefully removing 50-year old ornaments from the tree, packing up four decades of Christmas books, wrapping each Christmas dish and glass…all before my brother carries boxes and tubs up the rickety attic stairs to be stored for another year. My family never looked forward to putting all these treasures away.... Read more

December 25, 2018

11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:11-14) May you know the peace that can only come... Read more

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