July 29, 2013

Rachel Held Evans has written a thought provoking piece about why Millenials are leaving the church.  She writes about how frustrating it is for her to give talks on this subject.  She “points to research that shows young evangelicals often feel they have to choose between their intellectual integrity and their faith, between science and Christianity, between compassion and holiness” and then she “talks about how the evangelical obsession with sex can make Christian living seem like little more than... Read more

July 16, 2013

(Note to Theologians… you need to disassociate my definitions of rex lex and lex rex from Samuel Rutherford’s work, because my premise of King is Law is based on the notion that there’s only one King whose law we must work towards and uphold, that of King Jesus) “Lex Rex” simply means “Law is King”.  If you believe that the law of the land, instituted and enforced by fallen people, is the end of the story, then the weight of... Read more

July 9, 2013

A parable…sort of. After unpacking our things I’m eager to show my wife and oldest daughter the sacred ground that is my grandma’s house at Mt. Hermon.  It’s a very short walk down to Park Way, and hers is the first house we see.  I stand in the dusty gravel parking space and inhale.  The convergence of space, warmth of California redwood sap in the air, and flowers in the garden along the path to the door.  It’s all still... Read more

July 4, 2013

I just returned from England, where I enjoyed a time of holiday, teaching, and fellowship with friends from around the world.  India, Malaysia, Canada, England, Romania, Albania, Sweden, Germany, Austria – leaders from the various Torchbearer Bible Schools gather every four years for fellowship, worship, planning. If government regulations are a form of impingement on freedom, I was reminded this week that America, in this regard, is arguably the freest place on the planet.  Regulations about government curricula control vary... Read more

July 1, 2013

You know her because she shows up in your life precisely when you can’t handle her presence.  You’re tired, vulnerable, have experienced some sort of failure or frustration and there she is; at the door, wanting to come in.  She’s friendly enough, for certain, and usually flattering too.  “Poor you” she says, as she then begins her pontifications about how you deserve better, how unjustly you’re treated, how unappreciated you are.  Your heart stirs in response. “Yes” you think to... Read more

June 26, 2013

This week I’m in the stunningly green English countryside with friends from around the globe who gather every four years general conference of Torchbearers.  It’s difficult to accurately portray the power of what happens when 200 leaders from 27 Bible centers around the world gather in one room to pray, worship, study the scriptures together, and do business as they seek, each on their own unique setting, to make God’s good reign visible through the power of the resurrected Jesus.... Read more

June 22, 2013

We took an evening church history tour in Edinburgh Scotland this week.  It reminded me of the deplorable reputation the church has earned by its wars, lust for power, territorialism, and torture.  You don’t need to know all the details of the history to understand why one friend said, “All the ‘isms’ of our world have, on the whole, done more harm than good – and that’s why I’m not interested in Christianity”  Indeed, one can see a proportional relationship... Read more

June 15, 2013

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be walking in the places where the influence of departed saints remains strong.  Capernwray Hall was founded by Major Ian Thomas, who died a few years ago in his nineties.  With a vision of creating a space where young people could gather and learn about the sufficiency and power of Christ for daily living, he purchased a castle at auction.  The result has been an entire global movement of people committed to sharing the... Read more

June 11, 2013

The most memorable gift I’ve ever received is a used fleece jacket previously owned by climbing legend Fred Becky.  Fred is to climbing the Cascade mountains what Babe Ruth is to hitting baseballs,  or LeBron James “is” (hahaha) to basketball – Fred’s a legend, one who’s mastered his craft utterly.  At ninety years old, he’s still seen in the Patagonia store in Seattle, and roaming the Cascade mountains.  When I opened the gift and heard the name of the previous... Read more

June 5, 2013

Before enlightenment…chop wood.  After enlightenment…chop wood.  Zen Proverb I spent my free evening yesterday chopping wood, and it has me thinking a lot about the dangers of elevating efficiency as the highest good.  One neighbor saw me and said “rent a splitter; no sense killing yourself”.  Another said “this is why I heat with propane”.   Others drove by with the smile of sympathy, as if I’d been sentenced to hard labor.  But then, along comes my neighbor who has a... Read more

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