June 26, 2017

This weekend was the annual Pride Celebration in St. Petersburg. There were close to 300k people in St. Pete for one of the largest pride parades and festivals in the nation. My emotions and mind have been centered around what the Church can say or do during these times.  We must have more to offer than “No!”   I committed myself to prayer and seeking the thoughts of other compassionate believers, towards being more intentional next year. This afternoon on our... Read more

June 26, 2017

This weekend was the annual Pride Celebration in St. Petersburg. There were close to 300k people in St. Pete for one of the largest pride parades and festivals in the nation. My emotions and mind have been centered around what the Church can say or do during these times.  We must have more to offer than “No!”   I committed myself to prayer and seeking the thoughts of other compassionate believers, towards being more intentional next year. This afternoon on our... Read more

March 7, 2017

The body of Christ continues to need a reasoned and consistent response to the reality of homosexuality in our culture and society. The hand-wringing surrounding Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is the latest example of this glaring need. Pastors and leaders, your people do not need you to join the culture war, they need you to shepherd them into a kingdom-centered approach to living as sojourners in a pluralist society. The latest tweets from Christian leaders, such as Franklin Graham (no stranger... Read more

December 21, 2016

Christmas has always been an amazing season in my home. Growing up, I remember waiting for Christmas with intense excitement. Sure, much of that had to do with the latest gift I was anticipating, but as I have grown and have a family of my own, I realize that a deep sense of family and togetherness was fostered in our home. Rituals like Christmas eve candlelight service, Handel’s Messiah with my mom, Advent candles, watching the classic Rudolph, and baking... Read more

October 28, 2016

My effort is to offer solutions instead of simply offering disagreement. Yesterday I addressed how difficult it is to gain clarity on same-sex relationships and my belief that Jen Hatmaker’s statements represent a shift in her thinking away from a difficult but important space to operate in the body of Christ (we have articulated this as a “third way”). In her interview with Jonathan Merritt, Jen offered her thoughts to some questions. Today I want to pick up on one... Read more

October 27, 2016

As I write this article, my heart grieves! I have interacted with some friends and ministry leaders yesterday and today regarding the Church, the LGBT community, and the increasingly difficult space of loving well with clarity and conviction. Casey and I started the Identify Network out of a conviction and deeply personal belief that the Church needed to be better equipped to love and care for those in their bodies impacted by sexuality and gender identity struggles. Our theology is... Read more

July 26, 2016

  Change is difficult even for those who do it often. When change involves your faith traditions and convictions, the hope you find can be crushed by the weight of disappointment and rejection. Anyone who has walked this road understands this and I know that many who read this post do understand, but I know my readers well enough to know many of you will not. This post belongs to those walking the road of deepening gospel convictions that have left you... Read more

July 22, 2016

We cannot hide from the drumbeat of justice that runs through the scriptures we hold out as true! There is a very real social justice thread in God’s word. The problem is that many have sought the implementation of this justice apart from the Gospel or to the exclusion of biblical truth. Unfortunately, incomplete justice has led many evangelicals to reject the notion as liberal and leftist ideology sought by secular progressives.  Both of these positions are categorically wrong and altogether... Read more

July 18, 2016

Today marks the beginning of the Republican (GOP) Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the next phase of this protracted election season. There are many reasons that America will tune in and tune out of convention coverage in the coming weeks. Many of us are hopeful and seemingly more feel as gnawing sense of hopelessness, at least in the parties themselves. For Christians, this election has been particularly difficult. The dialogue over the two candidates and the issues raised by them... Read more

July 13, 2016

“Good faith does not prioritize relationship with God over and against relationships with one another. It reveals relationship with God in relationship with others.” -Gabe Lyons and Dan Kinnaman in Good Faith (2016) “They (White America) are in effect still trapped in a history that they do not understand; and until they understand it, they cannot be released from it. They have believed for many years and for innumerable reasons that black men are inferior to white men. Many of... Read more

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