November 30, 2018

It’s time for an Upgrade and regular host Jared Moore brings in a band of bothers to review the sci-fi/horror hybrid from Blumhouse! Here’s what you’ll find in the episode: I. So Sorry to Interrupt – 01:16 Who are the best NFL QBs, RBs, and WRs of all time? II. Whatcha’ Watchin’ – 06:16 – The Grinch – College Football – Instant Family (including a frank conversation about adoption challenges from three adopting fathers) – Why should (or shouldn’t) adults... Read more

November 6, 2018

It’s Double Feature time on The Pop Culture Coram Deo Podcast! This week Jeff and Jared went extra innings to cover two projects: the Freddie Mercury (and Queen) biopic Bohemian Rhapsody starring Rami Malek plus Netflix’s Black-Mirror-for-Tween series Creeped Out. Here’s how the episode breaks down: I. So Sorry to Interrupt (yes, we mixed the order up this week) – 01:32 – Why are movies with nudity such a non-negotiable for the Jeff and Jared? II. Whatcha Whatchin’ – 06:57... Read more

November 1, 2018

What to Make of the Horror Genre If you listen to or read the work we’re doing here on Pop Culture Coram Deo you already know that Jared and I are more than a little optimistic – certainly, it seems, compared to our fellow evangelicals – about the positive potential for edification present in the horror genre.  Our episodes (and write-ups) on Get Out, IT, The Thing, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Haunting of Hill House and more are... Read more

October 26, 2018

  I know this will come as a surprise to many of the evangelical Christians this site caters to but I am a committed fan of Halloween.[1]  As a result, I waited with great anticipation for the latest sequel after it was announced and went to the first available showing of the film in my area. Two disclaimers before we get any further. One, both Halloween 1978 and Halloween 2018 contain scenes of female nudity.  As a result neither film... Read more

October 24, 2018

  Jared and Jeff from The PCCD Pod walked together into the halls of Hill House.  For 10 episodes they explored the various rooms and crannies of the Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House, left no door unopened, and return now to report what they found. Here’s what’s ahead on Episode 32 of The Pop Culture Coram Deo Podcast: I. Whatcha’ Watchin? – 00:45 A spoiler-filled commentary on: a. Hulu’s Castle Rock  b. The 2018 Halloween Sequel c. Netflix’s Creeped... Read more

October 11, 2018

Jeff and Jared braved the carnage of the latest Sony/Marvel collaboration, Venom, to report back on how the movie holds up compared to the ultimate story God is telling about His Son through cosmic history. On the way they get into a fresh Whatcha Watchin’? that covers the first episode of Netflix’s new Creeped Out series and So Sorry To Interrupt analyzing why the anti-hero is such a constant in the tales we tell. You can find our latest episode... Read more

October 1, 2018

Jeff and Jared are back to give their new 31 Days of Horror list the kickoff it deserves by looking at 1987’s cult-classic Monster Squad. You know what you get on the way: Whatcha Watchin’?, special edition, where we test Jared’s knowledge of horror trivia using Trivial Pursuit’s new Horror Movie Edition and So Sorry To Interrupt where we discuss the beautiful conjunction of Tom Hanks and Fred Rogers in a forthcoming film. You can find our latest episode reviewing... Read more

September 30, 2018

If you're looking for good "clean" horror movies without the nudity, sexuality, or much gore, our 31 Days of Horror List is for you. Read more

September 26, 2018

You can find our latest episode reviewing Netflix’s Next Gen on your favorite podcast platform or play the episode via TuneIn below: Read more

September 19, 2018

You can find our latest episode reviewing Netflix’s Next Gen on your favorite podcast platform or play the episode via TuneIn below: Read more

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