August 1, 2015

When God took out his canvas of clay called Earth and began his paramount work of art, the angels must have been on the edge of their seats. What was God making this time? Would it look like any of his other creations? Why did he seem so much more excited about this project than the others? The palette of the Creator was dotted with a rainbow of colors, absolutely brilliant colors, radiant with his character. As the Creator selected... Read more

July 18, 2015

Does your church dance? The early church did. In fact, the early church danced the way God dances. There is a need for a more biblical metaphor for organizations, and in particular for ecclesial organizations. In light of this need, a new metaphor is presented in the form of the Perichoretic Organization. This metaphor is based on the Trinity, also described as The Divine Community or Team, and their interrelation, interactions or organization. This Perichoretic Union was contemplated much by... Read more

February 23, 2015

  In an age in which the world and the United States is becoming increasingly multi-cultural, our leadership roles and responsibilities are becoming increasingly a cross-cultural process and involve certain skill sets for effectiveness. Interestingly enough, before releasing him into the role of deliverer for the Hebrew children enslaved in Egypt, God first allowed Moses through a series of sovereign circumstances to become absolutely immersed in not only Egyptian culture, but the highest form of it, in the very halls... Read more

April 19, 2014

Read my article just posted at OUTREACH MAGAZINE. Here’s the link. Read more

January 11, 2014

  Grant Osborne, author of The Hermeneutical Spiral writes that “the basic evangelical fallacy of our generation is ‘proof-texting,’” which he describes as “that process whereby a person ‘proves’ a doctrine or practice merely by alluding to a text without considering its original inspired meaning” (Osborne, G.R., 2006). This error as Osborne describes it has played into the propagation of numerous “folk theologies” which have no grounding in Biblical truth (Olson, R., 1999). While acknowledging the value of Scripture memory... Read more

December 31, 2013

John was the last person you would have expected God to use. But powerfully use him, He did. Growing up in eighteenth century England, from age 11 on John worked on slave ships; the family business. When he wasn’t sailing he was “collecting” slaves on the islands and mainland of the West African coast for sale to visiting traders. Eventually Newton became the captain of his own slave ship. His was a cruel and harsh experience. His skin was roughened... Read more

November 22, 2013

One week before President John F. Kennedy made the fateful trip to Dallas in 1963, Billy Graham “had an inner foreboding that something terrible was going to happen” to the president while there. Read the full story in my article in the Huffington Post. Read more

November 18, 2013

How many more minutes before the church service would be over? That’s all I could think about. Every agenda item on the scheduled liturgy was just something else I would have to endure. My mind worked hard to calculate and estimate how much time each of these “perfunctories” would demand: Invocation – two minutes. Reading from Psalms – five minutes. Hymn #124 – three to five minutes. Hymn #291 – another three to five minutes. Sermon – twenty-five minutes, if... Read more

November 16, 2013

C.S. Lewis once referred to the Church as “a sort of secret society to undermine the devil.” Instead of exploding onto the scene of a lost, dying and sinful world, he saw the people of God rather emerging somewhat stealthily, subtly and surprisingly amidst a failing culture. Amidst a World War 2 ravaged world, Lewis questioned why the work of God did not land as did the Allies on the Beaches of Normandy: “Why is God landing in this enemy-occupied... Read more

October 15, 2013

When God took out his canvas of clay called Earth and began his paramount work of art, the angels must have been on the edge of their seats. What was God making this time? Would it look like any of his other creations? Why did he seem so much more excited about this project than the others?  The palette of the Creator was dotted with a rainbow of colors, absolutely brilliant colors, radiant with his character. As the Creator selected... Read more

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