September 23, 2015

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18. Here is a summary of the passage: There was a great famine in the land of Israel under King Ahab, who had led the Jews into a period of idolatry. The prophets of Baal-who numbered four hundred and fifty-were made the spiritual leaders of Israel under Ahab’s leadership. The prophets of the true God were banished to live... Read more

May 12, 2015

I have a theory: Peter the Apostle had an extreme alter ego that was a little out of control. Just look at what we know of him from the gospels… The first thing you notice if you read about Peter was that he was an impulsive guy. He jumped out of a boat when he saw Jesus walking on water. He said silly things out of emotion. He sliced off a cop’s ear in an attempt to keep Christ from... Read more

March 13, 2015

Recently, I got together with a buddy that I hadn’t seen in awhile over coffee. I began the hang-out sesh by asking him how he was doing. For the first few minutes I listened intently to his answer. But as time stretched on, and he continued to talk, my mind began to drift. It took him twenty minutes before I got a word into the conversation. Now, this friend (I’m going to call him Joe) is someone I have a... Read more

January 15, 2015

Tobin Bawinkel, frontman for the band Flatfoot 56 (and his new band, 6’10”) has had quite a journey.  I first met him eight years ago when my band played alongside his at a festival.  My first impression?   This was a guy who had his act together.  He carried himself confidently, yet humbly.  He spoke with the seasoned air of a pastor, yet he was completely punk rock.  And as I got to know him, I realized he was someone who... Read more

December 20, 2014

In the spring of 2010 I was given thee most life-changing news that any dude can ever receive: I was going to be a dad. When my jubilant wife told me about our little miracle, several things happened: 1. My lungs stopped working 2. My vision went fuzzy 3. The sound left the earth 4. Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” began playing in my head, specifically the moment where Freddy Mercury sings Momma… The next thing I knew, my wife was snapping... Read more

September 15, 2014

Do you ever think about the fact that you are going to die?  For most men, this a terrifying thought that is to be avoided at all costs.   To me, the most scary fact about dying is not its inevitability, but the fact that we have zero control over when, or even how, that moment is going to come. I can’t stand when something is beyond my control, because the desire to control my world is something that is hardwired... Read more

August 26, 2014

It’s a foregone conclusion that Jesus knew who Judas Iscariot really was from the get-go, but did the disciples?  Most likely not, or someone would have spoken up.  I can only imagine the disgust they felt when they saw Judas walking up to them in the garden with Jesus’ enemies, leading the charge to detain the Savior.  Nothing pierces quite as deep as the wounds of betrayal from someone you thought was your friend… We have all been there, and... Read more

August 19, 2014

…in many cases, destructive habits have their roots in the scarring events of our lives. Most addictions are coping mechanisms that we develop to “manage” the unresolved pain we feel deep down from these episodes. And it can be very difficult to let go of our habitual cycles of self-destruction until we “deal” with the pain from our wounds. – The Tin Soldiers, p. 71 When I was six years old, I went with a friend and his parents to... Read more

July 30, 2014

Charles Spurgeon said, “Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God’s Word.” I agree with Spurgeon wholeheartedly, though not even he could have predicted the difficulty we would have here is the 21st century with actually finding quiet time to connect with our God.  For many of us, it seems there are more tasks and responsibilities on... Read more

April 2, 2014

Establishing True Connection Part II Reflect… No man is better than any other, no matter what his gifts. Everything each of us has been given is by the hand of God. To know God is to worship Him alone. To truly connect with His Spirit is to turn from any desires we have to worship anything but Him. – p. 25 When we think of the term “Idol worship,” our mind naturally gravitates toward images of primitive people painting themselves... Read more

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