Cathryn Lavery/ Unsplash
As summer and traveling season closes in, people reach for their ballpoint pens and paper. Then, they scribble those dreams to travel to Paris or that goal to go swimming with sharks. These desires are to experience things we have always wanted to and the glisten of the summer sun beckons us to pursue them. But, should we not have goals to grow with Christ? To shape our own personalties to fit with His? I think we should embrace bucket lists of the spiritual sense to steer us closer to Christ, as well.
But yet, how do we pick these goals? What should they be? A soul bucket list? Sounds crazy and boring…well, it doesn’t have to be!
Soul Bucket Lists Push Us Toward Growth
Bucket lists encourage us to grow and pursue things we dream of or obtain things we desire. The Bible speaks quite a bit about the need for us to grow as Christians. Take 1 Peter 3:8 for instance, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.”
Huh, we must grow. Now let’s check out another verse we may be familiar with, which is another passage from 1 Peter. It reads this, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (More verses on growth here.)
We all see the need to grow in many areas. If we look at life, we see that growth is such a part of every season. It is needed. And having a soul bucket list enables us to focus on areas we seek to be stronger in and helps us focus our prayer.
What Should My List Include?
While every person is different, there are a couple clear cut things we can pray for. But to truly have a soul bucket list that fits you requires a definite heart search and time with God in prayer. For example, for me, I want to display more self-control, want more dedicated time in silence with God, and to practice being a better listener.
But as always, the Word of God, offers up so many verses on things we can add to our soul bucket list. Also by following Christian brands, pastors, talking with friends and even praying can offer us many pointers and ideas to help us grow and give us ideas to add. Let’s check some out.
Everyday Things To Add On A Soul Bucket List
Soul Bucket List: Reading the Bible
We could discuss and throw out a lot of things right here, but I’m only going to go over a few that we all know are important. Reading the Bible everyday is a simple but good thing to try and do. One could even start with simply reading a single verse or chapter each day. This is a necessary but very overlooked thing. If you don’t do this, start by adding it to your soul bucket list. There are so many benefits of being in God’s Word and we need to be reading it. It grounds us and keeps us focused on Christ. This is the most basic but most impactful thing on our lives.
Soul Bucket List: Prayer
Prayer! This is another important thing, but I don’t mean simply praying over a meal. Try and find another way, time, or place to pray. Now, if you did it whenever wherever that is awesome, too. But a practical way to add more prayer to your life is to set aside a moment and time to talk to Him. Yes, talk. It is a relationship with God not a wishlist, so why not say you’re talking to Him? Here is an idea: The next time you go for a drive somewhere, as you go there, or leave, turn the music off and simply let it all out to God. Let out praise, thanksgiving, struggles, or even be with Him in silence. Just talk as if you had another person in the car. Try it out!
Soul Bucket List: Journaling
Another everyday thing we can add to a soul bucket list is journaling or keeping a gratitude journal. This will help us put our minds in a praise outlet and focus on what He has done for us. But journaling also has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Starting a prayer journal or gratitude journal is a simple thing that could be done before bed or just when you wake up. And don’t overthink it, write out all the thoughts, or one or two. It will help draw your attention to your Creator.
Soul Bucket List: Music and Podcasts
You can also listen to more worship music. Mix some into your playlist or even make it ALL worship music. Another thing I would encourage that goes alongside this, is listen to some Christian podcasts that talk about growth, life, or even areas you know you struggle. Words have power. And music and podcasts are full of so many ways to praise and grow with Christ.
Soul Bucket List: Social Media
The last thing I want to mention is be aware of how you use social media. It is so so easy to spiral down holes we do not want to go down. But if we are aware of what we follow and like, it actually can impact our lives for the better. Invest your energy into accounts that glorify God and use your posts, likes, and comments to encourage and impact someone’s day for the better. (Philippians 4:8) (This verse should be the basis for all we do.)
Things We Should Desire to Grow In To Add On A Soul Bucket List
Soul Bucket List: Embrace and Hone Our Gifts
As children of God, we know He has given us talents and gifts to use to grow the body of Christ and to point people to God. This ranges from teaching, encouraging, art, singing, serving and so much more it’s nearly impossible to count. This is very important to potentially add to your soul bucket list because we should desire and want to use our gifts and talents He has given us. So, maybe set more time aside to hone and grow or pray that He opens doors for you to use your abilities to aid someone else. They are to be used and not stored away for future use that may never come. Embrace them and be willing to step out. Become a “spender” of your talents and not a mere “saver”.
Soul Bucket List: To Cling to You Identity in Christ
Many people, myself included, forget that we are valuable to the Lord. He died for us. And sometimes we all need a reminder that He loves us. All are heirs and children. We should not be afraid of what people think of us for walking in Christ and being ourselves. We were created with a purpose and must put on the armor of God so we can stand against the schemes of evil and man. We are to be warriors, which means we need to be willing to stand in our identity. Set a goal to never waiver and pray that you know who you are – and who you are becoming – in Christ.
Soul Bucket List: The Fruits of the Spirit
Oh, yes! We cannot ever forget the powerful attributes that make up the fruits of the Spirit. Here they are for a refresher: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self -control. Trust me, I understand the challenge of embracing and being all those things. Hence, that is why we must have them as a goal and add them to that bucket list. That way, we can seek and pray to have them and let our lives show each attribute off. Try focusing on one, or a few, or even all of them.
Soul Bucket List: Guidance
This is a rather big one but a very important thing we need to seek and try to discern. So many verses speak on trusting God, His guidance, and His will. If we actually seek to walk alongside Him and have our desires align with His, we come to a place of power instead of plea and hurt. (Now, will we still have those, yes sir’, but He is with us in the struggle.)
Challenge Yourself With Your Soul Bucket List
The whole purpose of a soul bucket list is for growth and deeper connection to God and who He desires you to become. So loosen up, analyze, pray and then try to dive into your journey. Be excited about this and don’t shy away from it. We all have a path to walk and ways we can grow.