Sometimes, Events are So Rare.

Sometimes, Events are So Rare. April 16, 2023
Rare photo of Easter Rabbit
Like Rare photo of Easter Rabbit


Sometimes, events are so rare. They live in legend, never captured on film. Like Big Foot, Yeti, the Madagascar Tree Sloth, the albino Bengal tiger, a politician moving their lips WHILE telling the truth. All of these things have been rumored and documented on the History Channel, Discovery, Ancient Aliens, all made on their lives exploring if they really exist.
Last weekend, a second siting of the Easter Rabbit (not to be confused with the Easter Bunny) was seen in a major American city. Photos from last year appear to show another version of the elusive creature, with video of the Apparent Ethiopian Orthodox Easter Rabbit, appearing to be an older version as indicated by his wobblily hop.

     Like the elusive coyote…. 

Like the elusive coyote living successfully in downtown Phoenix, hunting for rodents, feral cats, and unguarded poodles, this creature appears tame. Calm in his walk and focused on his duties of delivering plastic eggs stuffed with candy, chocolate, currency, and coupons. It was also discovered he/she delivers bags of popcorn and potato chips, an unknown and welcomed discovery.

Rumors seems to indicate he leaves more candy to those who leave out bowls of scotch for him/her to lap up.
I’m not sure where the origin of the Easter Hopper started. Bunnies and flowers and colored eggs I have yet to find in the New Testament. Maybe I need to look in the Minor Prophet section of the Old Testament. Maybe there is something there. Apparently, these rare photos of a very large and remarkably cute rabbit, complete with a hop and an apparent attitude much like that of a longshoreman at the end of the work week, was found here.

     It is apparent….

It is apparent he/she was having fun. Their long floppy years and lawn cutting hat complete with some strikingly handsome sunglasses for the middle of the night, completed the look of the Rabbit busy bring joy to children and some adults all the while trying not to get the police called on it while delivering plastic eggs filled with candy, chocolate, coupons for haircuts, and small bags of potato chips.
Apparently, it’s an east coast rabbit.

     God does not….

God does not get stuck on formality. Yes, if we were in His presence we would fall on our faces and cry with wonderful emotion. But He lives in us! He is here, right now, telling you this story because He had so much fun. Whose idea do you think it was for the sock hands to look like, well, rabbit’s feet? Yeah, Him! And the coupons-genius! One of the families on the receiving end had their third car window chipped. The Rabbit delivered a coupon for 20% off a window replacement from the newspaper. Now that is funny.
We look at God sometimes with this arm’s length feeling. We can’t get close to him because, somehow-we don’t think we’re worthy. So, what we’re saying is, there is something his son, my adopted brother Jesus, couldn’t pay for? Something him hanging on a cross couldn’t buy?

     God has a plan

God has a Plan and it is a Perfect Plan. We can’t see it most of the time and our faith has to carry us from day to day. But it is there, and it is perfect. But along with being the sovereign loving God He is, He is also a playful God. He tells jokes in the middle of a flat tire issue-a horse walks into a bar… kind of joke. He asks us to ask ourselves if we want a soda from the machine while we wait in the waiting room at the hospital. He is everywhere, but most importantly, He lives in us. 
Sometimes, events are so rare we can miss them. Stop, and breathe.
About Mark Williams
is currently working on his ninth. He spent his life in two careers, retiring from each and is now devoting himself to his writing and family. Mark has lived in Phoenix all his life, raised three children and has ten grandchildren. He was widowed in 2018 after almost thirty-eight years of marriage. You can read more about the author here.

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