If I’ve learned anything from Aphrodite, it’s this: you are already a love spell.
I complete me.
I carry my heart in my heart.
For all of the searching and the reaching, for all of the wondering and the wandering, for all of the desire that bounces around the walls of empty rooms – or that dances slowly in a corner, you are already a conjuring.
I am already the curve of reflection and the image falling in love with itself.
And the moment(s) I realized this, things became wider. Open. Possible.
(Even in the hesitation and the questioning and the chase for my own heart. Even in the late nights and the spaces between meeting my knowing. Even then. Especially then.)
I am already a romance, a risk, a revelation.
Love Spell Ingredients, or How to Romance Yourself
While the calendar says it’s nearly Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, the love fest is year-round. It’s a constant beginning and beginning again. Right now. Even now.
Know what feels like caring – Today, you can become a researcher of your own care. When something feels like care, note that. Learn what it feels like in your body. Describe it to yourself, sit quietly and follow the curve of care. This is the compass. This is the map to back to yourself. Your body is the love spell shouting your name across timelines and people-filled rooms.
Nourish, nourish, nourish – Love spells often come with sensual ingredients and rich scents, but nourishment can also taste like regulation. Foods that nourish, water that hydrates, and music that fills you back up, keeps you filled; those too are ingredients to gather closely.
Trust in the beauty – When I am disconnected from the world, from myself, from the love spell I am, I start a new journal page (or Notion list) and write down all of the things that are beautiful, whether of the present moment or previous moments. I find beauty, I stalk it, and I trust I will find it again. Because it is everywhere and anytime and it wants to be found.
Let yourself be held – The greatest lesson of my present moment is allowing myself to be held in ways that invite sinking and surrender. Asking for what I need. Reaching out and connecting with those who are willing. This too is beauty. Being held is not an admission of weakness; it is a confession and delightful conspiracy of humanity.
Remember that you are the sun too – Your love spell is more than the way you want and the way that want is granted and given. This is an invitation to remember you are a shining gift to the world. You are. You always have been. You are the sun too. Bright enough to warm and bold enough to burn. Large and looming and worship-able. By yourself. By another. Enough. In fact, more than enough.
Life is a Love Spell, Love is a Life Spell
Love spells like this are not to be saved for special occasions. This is a lifelong romance, a commitment, a vow, a signature on the papers of a contract with your heart.
I will show up for you. I will hold you. I deserve all that I can offer.
I invite you, encourage you, and dare you to drop in or drop in further to your own self-devotion. To the romance of being human and alive and possible in this wild world.
Open up to flirting with yourself. To laugh at your own jokes. To touch your own arm. To linger in a hug for more than a few seconds. To put all of the ingredients of your love spell in a jar and cover it with just enough honey.
To say your name again and again in the dark.
Saturdays: April 29 and May 6: Aphrodite Sessions – Beauty and Initiation
Starting May 8: Iris – Of Sea & Sky & Rainbow – live online class