February 27, 2015

Beyond meeting basic needs, what motivates you to work? Is there a level of personal wealth are you striving to attain? What will happen when you get there? How will your life be different? What you are working for reveals what you believe about God. Nothing has more direct impact on your day-to-day life than what you believe about God.  In Luke 12, Jesus is surrounded by thousands of people, all listening to him teach on matters of the utmost significance. At... Read more

February 25, 2015

By Emily Ann Higginbotham Being an intern at a financial firm has given me incredible exposure to the ins and outs of wealth management. It has also afforded me prolonged exposure to the copy machine, the supply closet, and a never-ending amount of envelopes to stuff. With the company’s annual symposium coming up, my last few weeks have consisted of mailing out invitations, creating nametags, and preparing packets for clients to have at the conference. For the last several days,... Read more

February 10, 2015

I was recently invited to read and weigh-in on Ken Wytsma’s new book The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God and the Necessity of Faith as part of the Patheos Book Club. The author describes his book as “a frank conversation about the true nature of the Christian faith” seeking to address the question: “If we were made for relationship with God, why do we often feel lost and distant from him?” The problem with the ensuing 210-page discussion... Read more

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